Wednesday, 16 December 2009


This YCN brief was to use typography across any medium to explore the possibilities of meaning behind the LBi name. Acronyms can be dull and confusing; LBi stands for Lost Boys international but what else could it stand for? Whatever I decide LBi stands for, it has to be fresh, engaging and entertaining. With this in mind I researched LBi as a company and further thinking led me to take this as a branding brief rather than a 'typography brief' as it was stated. 

My first idea came from directly linking the imagery to typography using the idea of the formatting of text. From here I played with different acronyms which I thought portrayed LBi as a company. 

Alas, an idea I can work with. Although in it's early stages I decided to take 'Luminous Bright ideas' forward and create light bulb packaging as a promotional 'direct mail-type' device [with thanks to Belle for sparking the idea]
With wise words from Ian Anderson in mind, the idea in itself isn't 'radical' which means I need to execute this really well and push it further to project a more cohesive message. The message I'm trying to get across is using the energy saving light bulb because it connotes:
  • Bright ideas
  • The clients save their energy because LBi do all the hard work
  • Eco-friendly
I like idea of creating a limited edition run of either 50-100 which would be screen printed and labelled 1-50W. Could I show the energy of ideas? In terms of a 1W idea being utter shit and 50W being amazing? 

This is just something I created on initial the hand-in morning, not on brief I just liked the idea of the logo. I do waste my time.

Drawing a load of light bulbs up on illustrator to push my idea further...
The light bulb itself is cliche, but what if I show a massive range of light bulbs?


Tuesday, 15 December 2009


This was first project given to us as third years and is intended to make us experiment and work in different way to which we usually would or styles we 'feel safe' working to. We were to explore silence in any medium. 

My favourite images so far...



"The beauty is in what isn't said"
- Jimmy Eat World - Always Be.


Monday, 14 December 2009

Don't make me think

I read this book to help me with my dissertation, it's so easy to read and understand.

How to be a graphic designer without losing your soul

I'm about three-quarters through this book so far, it's a very good read, although quite daunting thinking I'll be graduating soon...

The Design of Dissent

Got this book to help with me Amnesty Brief, very political powerful images & ideas.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Friday, 11 December 2009

Stonewall Brief

Saw this brief on our uni's intranet and thought I'd give it a go seeing as this idea popped into my mind. 

The brief is to design a postcard to encourage people to vote in the upcoming elections. It should appeal to a wide range of people including young people & professionals. 
Stonewall is the leading national charity campaigning for equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people across britain and their aim is to combat homophobic bullying in schools.

My first idea was a similar idea but using the word EDUCATE, this didn't work visually and when I thought more about it, conceptually didn't work either. ENGAGE works in both ways visually and conceptually, allowing me to highlight 'gay' within it to raise interest and the word engage alone, I feel is a powerful inviting word.
Engage means "To carry out or participate in" - This links both to having a vote and voicing your opinion, and I feel would engage both straight and homosexual people

Stonewall's previous & current campaign:
Very blunt, bold & attention grabbing, it also has a humorous element to it which is probably the reason it's a successful campaign. I didn't want to use the red because I thought it would just look like an imitation or another design under the same campaign, I wanted something fresh & new. 
I used blue & pink on my design to reflect gender stereotyping and pink has to be the gayest colour there is... on the back I have used the phrase "Come out and have your say," obviously linking "come out" to homosexuals coming out the closet. I think I need to work on more information on the back of the postcard but so far I'm happy with it. 

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Craig Oldham

Craig Oldham, formally from The Chase but currently working for Music based in the heart of Manchester. His lecture was basically telling us the 12 things you’ll learn in your first 12 months after graduating from University. It was also a great insight into how to communicate with people to maintain working and social relationships, and keeping sane.

12 points [I didn’t get the beaut of a leaflet so had to research/steal these.]

  • Understand Graphic Design and what it means to you.
  • Have a life outside of Design.
  • A portfolio isn’t just for an interview, it’s for you.
  • Share your ideas.
  • Placements are important.
  • Making mistakes is good and part of your development.
  • Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Everybody knows each other in the Design industry.
  • Being a Graphic Designer is a job, being a designer is different.
  • You don’t have to work in London.
  • Work hard and be nice to people.
  • Designing is only about 20% of your job.

Music’s work is absolutely amazing; it’s extremely playful and not afraid to push the boundaries and try new things. I love their visual identity and marketing material for a new development of holiday accommodation in Turkey, they’d created a bespoke box to house the booklet in which resembled a pair of flip flops. It is such an innovative idea sometimes I wonder how people think of these things.