This YCN brief was to use typography across any medium to explore the possibilities of meaning behind the LBi name. Acronyms can be dull and confusing; LBi stands for Lost Boys international but what else could it stand for? Whatever I decide LBi stands for, it has to be fresh, engaging and entertaining. With this in mind I researched LBi as a company and further thinking led me to take this as a branding brief rather than a 'typography brief' as it was stated.

My first idea came from directly linking the imagery to typography using the idea of the formatting of text. From here I played with different acronyms which I thought portrayed LBi as a company.

Alas, an idea I can work with. Although in it's early stages I decided to take 'Luminous Bright ideas' forward and create light bulb packaging as a promotional 'direct mail-type' device [with thanks to Belle for sparking the idea]

With wise words from Ian Anderson in mind, the idea in itself isn't 'radical' which means I need to execute this really well and push it further to project a more cohesive message. The message I'm trying to get across is using the energy saving light bulb because it connotes:
- Bright ideas
- The clients save their energy because LBi do all the hard work
- Eco-friendly
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